Daedalus 5.0.0 release notes
Release date: 1 September 2022
Daedalus Preview 5.0.0 is a test-only version of the Daedalus wallet for working in the preview environment. Preview is an early-stage testing network for testing mature release candidates and new functionality.
Known issues
Missing Cardano Explorer
Cardano Explorer is not currently available for the Preview network. Cardano Explorer looks up the history of transactions on the Cardano blockchain. Future Daedalus releases will include URLs pointing to the Cardano Explorer.
Unavailable recommended SMASH server
Currently there is no recommended SMASH server available. SMASH is a metadata aggregation server that manages metadata for stake pools..
Once the SMASH server is available, future Daedalus releases will include a server call to display stake pools.
For now, select Settings > “Stake Pools” and choose the option “None - fetch the data directly” in the Off-chain metadata server (SMASH) dropdown.