Extracting logs from Lace extension and Lace service worker in Chrome Browser
There are four types of log files to extract from Lace Chrome. This article explains how to access each of the log files, enable verbose logging, and export or save the log file to your local disk.
Please note: these steps only work on Chrome and it is recommended that you enable the logging in each instance prior to reproducing the issue you are experiencing.
The four log files we will be accessing:
Console logs from the Lace extension
- Console logs from the service worker
Network HAR capture from Lace extension & service worker
How to extract the log files
1. Console logs from the Lace extension
a. Launch a new Chrome window, open Lace wallet, and expand it to full view
b. Right-click anywhere on the Lace wallet screen and select Inspect
c. Select Console from the window on the screen
d. Then from Default levels enable verbose
e. Once verbose is enabled go ahead and move section 2: (Console logs from the service worker)
2. Console logs from the service worker
Note: Make sure developer mode is disabled before extracting service worker logs
a. Keeping the first Chrome window open, Launch a second Chrome window.
b. From the second Chrome browser click three dots in the top right-hand corner of the browser then select > Extensions > Manage Extensions
c. Inside the Lace extension click the service worker
c. From the pop-up window select console
d. Then from Default levels enable verbose
e. Reproduce the issue in Lace and then export and save the log files from both of the Chrome browsers.
f. Export console logs from both dev tool windows: right-click in the console tab contents -> "Save as…"
DevTools window from the service worker
Console window from Lace extension
3. Network HAR capture from Lace extension & service worker
Export network har capture from both dev tool windows:
a.Open the "Network" tab
b. "Save all as HAR with content"