Reinstall Daedalus on Windows 10 and Windows 11
Steps to fully uninstall Daedalus on Windows 10 and Windows 11
These steps will completely remove Daedalus from your system including the chain folder meaning you will need to restore your wallet using your recovery phrase and start syncing again from 0%
Note: We recommend verifying your recovery phrase in Lace before removing Daedalus
Steps to follow:
1. In Windows go to Control Panel and select Uninstall a program
2. Locate "Daedalus mainnet"
3. After you uninstall Daedalus via the control panel please make sure to delete the ”Daedalus Mainnet" folder located in C:\Users\{replace with local user account}\AppData\Roaming directory
If you cannot see C:\Users\{replace with local user account}\AppData\Roaming
a. Launch Windows Explorer
b. Select the view tab - make sure the Hidden items checkbox is selected
c. Once Hidden Items is enabled you should see C:\Users\{replace with local user account}\AppData\Roaming
4. Download the latest installer from here then install it.
5. Launch Daedalus for the first time and verify sync. Wait until it reaches 100%