Uninstall Daedalus and remove wallet's data
Before you uninstall the Daedalus, please Verify you have your wallet recovery phrase
Note: Deleting the contents of your state directory does not delete your ada. Your ada are stored on the blockchain, not on your machine.
- Open the instance of Daedalus you want to uninstall
- Access to Help - Daedalus Diagnostics (or press Ctrl + D)
- On Daedalus state directory click the path to copy
- Close Daedalus
- Go to Control Panel and select Uninstall a program
- Search for the corresponding instance of Daedalus and uninstall it
- Access the path copied on step 3 and delete it (the folder too, not only the content)
- Empty the recycle bin
- Go to Finder - Applications
- Search for the corresponding instance of Daedalus and move it to the trash
- On finder, press CMD + SHIFT + G to access "Go to folder"
- Paste the following path: ~/Library/Application Support/
- Delete the folder corresponding to the instance you are uninstalling by moving it to trash. (i.e Daedalus Mainnet, Daedalus Flight)
- Remove the icon from the dock by dragging it to the trash
- Empty the trash can
1 - Access to the terminal
2 - Run the group of commands for the instance of Daedalus you want to uninstall:
Important: Running the following commands will remove all Daedalus wallet data. Please make sure you have a copy of your Daedalus wallet pass phrase(s).
chmod -R +w ~/.daedalus
rm -rf ~/.local/bin/daedalus-mainnet
rm -f ~/.local/share/applications/Daedalus-mainnet.desktop
rm -rf ~/.config/Daedalus\ Mainnet
rm -rf ~/.local/share/Daedalus/mainnet
chmod -R +w ~/.daedalus
rm -rf ~/.local/bin/daedalus-mainnet_flight
rm -f ~/.local/share/applications/Daedalus-mainnet_flight.desktop
rm -rf ~/.config/Daedalus\ Flight
rm -rf ~/.local/share/Daedalus/mainnet_flight
chmod -R +w ~/.daedalus
rm -rf ~/.local/bin/daedalus-testnet
rm -f ~/.local/share/applications/Daedalus-testnet.desktop
rm -rf ~/.config/Daedalus\ Testnet
rm -rf ~/.local/share/Daedalus/testnet
chmod -R +w ~/.daedalus
rm -rf ~/.local/bin/daedalus-preview
rm -f ~/.local/share/applications/Daedalus-preview.desktop
rm -rf ~/.config/Daedalus\ Preview
rm -rf ~/.local/share/Daedalus/preview
chmod -R +w ~/.daedalus
rm -rf ~/.local/bin/daedalus-preprod
rm -f ~/.local/share/applications/Daedalus-preprod.desktop
rm -rf ~/.config/Daedalus\ Pre-Prod
rm -rf ~/.local/share/Daedalus/preprod
All Networks at once
chmod -R +w ~/.daedalus
rm -rf ~/.local/bin/daedalus* ~/.daedalus
rm -f ~/.local/share/applications/Daedalus*.desktop
rm -rf ~/.config/Daedalus*
rm -rf ~/.local/share/Daedalus