Newsletter - 13 April 2018 - Cardano 1.1.1 released
13 April 2018
In our newsletters for exchanges we share IOHK’s latest development and release news and work done specifically for exchanges. The previous newsletter can be found here.
Last week IOHK released Cardano SL 1.1.1 [GitHub] and a Daedalus 0.9.1 bug fix update [installers, release-notes, GitHub]. Also, a Daedalus Linux distribution was released in its beta phase and is now available for public testing, see
The new version of wallet V1 API is in beta and currently available on our development branch. It is considered to be unstable and can be tested at users’ own risk. The documentation has been improved and updated with new use cases. Next week we plan to start to prepare the next release that will include the finalized subset of V1 API.
Exchange onboarding documentation on deployment is improved and updated in respect to the upcoming V1 API. There is FAQ section that covers requirements, documentation and other questions. Our DevOps team is ready for onboarding new exchanges when V1 API will be merged to master branch, released and stable. (The code that is currently in master doesn’t have the V1 API.) However, existing exchanges which are using V0 API still need a documented migration strategy, and the team is working on it.
Further updates will continue and in the meantime for more information on the latest Cardano development please see our weekly update on