Newsletter - 25th June 2019 - Cardano 1.5.2 with Cardano SL 3.0.2 released
25th June 2019
IOHK newsletters provide updates on work done specifically for cryptocurrency exchanges and on relevant software releases and developments.
Cardano 1.5.2 with Cardano SL 3.0.2
Preparations are underway for the transition to decentralization and the Shelley era. As you are aware, to make the transition the network must undergo a series of two hard forks. The first hard fork was planned to be after the release of Cardano 1.5.1 but not before April 28th, 2019. If you like to read more about this please see our previous newsletter here sent on the 29th of March.
Since then there have been some new discoveries. During our testing of the first OBFT hard fork on staging, we found a bug that could have caused an outage for all exchanges transitioning to the new version. A fix has since been applied and deployed to all testing environments and to mainnet prior to the hard fork so no users have been affected. The fix for this issue is included in Cardano SL 3.0.2 which is being delivered in Cardano 1.5.2 release.
This release is aimed primarily at exchanges and addresses the following:
- An issue that would have stopped synchronization following the first OBFT hard fork
- Adjustments made to the coin selection algorithm
- Extra checks to prevent transactions exceeding the network limit being submitted.
Cardano Byron phase completion
Cardano SL 3.0.2 is now available to download on general release from Github. We strongly recommend and urge all exchanges to upgrade to this version in order to avoid any outage.
The first hard fork will occur in a few weeks after the majority of clients have upgraded to the latest version. The second hard fork will be after the Shelley release and will be advertised closer to the time.
Note: Exchanges must upgrade to cardano-sl 3.0.2 before the first hard fork, or the Cardano node and wallets will stop working.
Cardano Testnet
Cardano SL 3.0.2 has been deployed to Testnet and Mainnet. All users are encouraged to test the upgrade process on the Cardano testnet before upgrading on Mainnet.
If an exchange has an explicit feature request for the wallet API, or the wallet in general, and would like to work with us, please contact us in the usual way, or email your suggestion to with the subject ‘New Feature Request’. Our engineers, product managers, and business analysts will consider your proposal. IOHK also has a support portal where requests can be submitted.
Further updates will continue. In the meantime, for the latest information on Cardano and Daedalus, please see the weekly update on