Catalyst Voting App 0.1.11 release notes
Release date: 02 June 2021
New features
Automatic Update of the APP
Now when there is a new version, we will let you know when you open the app, and take you straight to the store so you can easily update it.
Clicking on proposal names in the "My votes" section link to the proposal
When clicking on the vote title, you will now get redirected to the proposal!
Modifications on Register flow
Improved the UX on the registration flow to make it more friendly.
Improvements on Error Handling
New and more accurate messages in case of error to help users continue with their actions easily.
Improvements on registration process and Voting Power issues.
Users don't have to wait up to 10 minutes to get their voting power anymore.
Improvements on batch votes casting
Now when casting multiple votes, users get to see the progress with the progress bar.