I delegated on Yoroi, how can I check my rewards balance?
If you delegated via Yoroi, there is a way for you to check your rewards balance on Daedalus ITN with the latest version of Daedalus Rewards (2.5.0-ITN1), as these wallets are fully compatible. You can then perform a balance check on the latest version of Daedalus Shelley Testnet (Daedalus 1.1.0-STN1.)
How to check your balance using Daedalus Rewards
1. Download and install the latest version of Daedalus Rewards here
2. Open the application and allow the synchronization process to complete.
3. Click Add wallet
4. Click Restore
5. Select 15 words Rewards wallet and enter your 15 word Yoroi recovery phrase
6. Enter (any) wallet name
7. Set your spending password and click Restore wallet
8. Verify that the rewards wallet balance showing in Daedalus Rewards matches the balance displayed on Yoroi ITN.
How to perform a balance check using Daedalus Shelley Testnet
Daedalus 1.1.0-STN1 introduces balance check functionality to those who participated in the Incentivized Testnet program and earned rewards from delegating their stake. With this version, users can now check if their rewards balance from rewards earned in the ITN client is reflected correctly on the Shelley Testnet. This is a final verification of any rewards earned before reward earnings are transferred over to the Cardano mainnet later this summer. These rewards will subsequently be made available to the user via their mainnet wallet.
For specific instructions on how to perform the balance check using Daedalus Shelley Testnet, please visit the release notes.
Also check: Downloading Daedalus Shelley Testnet