Announcement Cardano Explorer 1.0.0, cardano-db-sync 2.1.0 and cardano-graphql 1.0.0
IOHK is pleased to announce the release of Cardano Explorer 1.0.0. The Cardano Explorer is an online service that allows users to query details of epochs, blocks, transactions, and addresses on the Cardano blockchain
Cardano Explorer 1.0.0 is a completely re-engineered application based on the Byron reboot infrastructure. It replaces Cardano Explorer 0.2, which was released alongside the Cardano mainnet in 2017. For more information on Cardano Explorer 1.0.0 please refer to release notes on the TSD Support portal.
In parallel IOHK has also released cardano-db-sync 2.1.0 along with cardano-graphql 1.0.0
This release of cardano-db-sync 2.1.0 delivers bug fixes for the epoch update and rollback handling logic. It also provides Docker image maintenance along with some extra tuning to help with the transition from Byron-to-Shelley.
cardano-graphql 1.0.0 is the first official production release of cardano-graphql. Please visit cardano-graphql release notes on GitHub here for more information on new features, dependencies, bug fixes, breaking changes, pre-releases, plus more.
What is cardano-graphql?
cardano-graphql 1.0.0 is a Cardano query language for API and a runtime for fulfilling queries with existing data extracted from the cardano-db-sync PostgreSQL database. It provides a complete and understandable description of this data and gives clients the power to request the necessary information. This, in turn, makes it easier to evolve client API’s overtime and enables powerful developer tools.
cardano-graphql 1.0.0 is the alternative to the traditional cardano-rest available on GitHub. It is built on a similar stack to cardano-rest which uses an extensible framework to retrieve transactions, addresses, and time periods (epochs and slots) from the cardano-db-sync component. For more information on these components please see the Adrestia GitHub page here.
Building and Running
cardano-graphql 1.0.0 and cardano-db-sync 2.1.0 have been built and tested on Linux and Docker images are available on DockerHub. The recommended method to build cardano-graphql 1.0.0 is docker-compose and a sample docker-compose file is provided here.
The cardano-graphql 1.0.0 and cardano-db-sync 2.1.0 are designed to work with a locally running cardano-node. For instructions on how to build and deploy cardano-graphql 1.0.0 please see the cardano-graphql README file