Release announcement - Mary hard fork compatible components available for download!
The Cardano Foundation and IOG are pleased to announce the release of the multi-asset Cardano blockchain and official components to support the upcoming Mary hard fork, which is scheduled for the end of the month.
The hard fork will introduce multi and native assets to the Cardano community. In preparation for this event, we are releasing a new set of essential functions and important building blocks to help with the transition to Goguen and smart contracts.
The following components are now available on all corresponding Github repositories and Docker hub. All exchanges using these components should upgrade to this Mary supported version prior to the hard fork on mainnet
This release is expected to be the final release of cardano-node and will support the Mary hard fork. All exchanges using cardano-node must take action and upgrade to this version. Exchanges that wish to test transaction construction and native assets can begin to do so on the latest public testnet.
This release is compatible with cardano-node 1.25.1, cardano-rosetta 1.0.0, cardano-graphql 3.2.0, and cardano-rest 3.1.2.
This release of cardano-graphql contains multi-asset support and is fully compatible with cardano-db-sync 8.0.0. Exchanges currently running a local instance of cardano-graphql should upgrade to this supported version as soon as possible.
The cardano-rosetta 1.1.0 API is a new component compatible with Cardano blockchain and developed to industry standard. Users of cardano-rest are encouraged to transition to this API. Exchanges seeking more information about this transition and the corresponding APIs should visit the cardano-rest migration guide.
cardano-rest 3.1.2 is compatible with cardano-node 1.25.1 and will cross the Mary hard fork However, it does not support multi-asset functionality as provided by other components in this release. Exchanges who use cardano-rest to query the Cardano blockchain should be aware that cardano-rest is now deprecated and will soon reach end-of-life. Exchanges using cardano-rest are encouraged to migrate to cardano-rosetta 1.0.0 and review the corresponding API request in the cardano-rest migration guide.
The cardano-submit API is part of cardano-rest 3.1.2 and is included in this release.
Note: the cardano-submit API will continue to work post-Mary hard fork. Exchanges wishing to test this functionality should use the Public Testnet, which has since been hard forked and scheduled to have transitioned to a multi-asset supported network called on February 3rd at 20:20 UTC
Mary hard fork on Public Testnet
On February 3 2021 at 20:20:16 UTC (the next epoch rollover) the Cardano testnet will be hard forked and hence migrate to a multi-asset supported network.
We strongly urge all exchanges using any of the above components to upgrade to a supported version of Cardano and test and experiment with these components during and after the hard fork.
Reach out with any questions or concerns via the usual support channels
Related information
Public testnet -
testnet faucet -
Network configuration -
Multi-asset information -
Docker Hub -