Copying chain folder from Daedalus Mainnet to Daedalus Flight
If you just installed Daedalus flight, syncing the entire blockchain may take up to a few hours. To circumvent this, you can copy the chain database from your Daedalus Mainnet wallet to Daedalus Flight, assuming that your Mainnet wallet is in sync.
- Close both Mainnet and Flight versions.
- Open a terminal
- Run
cp -rv ~/Library/Application\ Support/Daedalus\ Mainnet/chain ~/Library/Application\ Support/Daedalus\ Flight/
- Close both Mainnet and Flight versions.
- Open a terminal
- Run
cp -rv .local/share/Daedalus/mainnet/chain .local/share/Daedalus/flight
- Close both Mainnet and Flight versions.
- Open Powershell
- Run
xcopy "AppData\Roaming\Daedalus Mainnet\chain" "AppData\Roaming\Daedalus Flight\chain" /s /e /h /y
NOTE: The commands used assume you are on the home directory on the Terminal or Powershell