- Total activity 126
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Recent activity by Carlos-
Creating a simple transaction using the CLI
Sending funds to an address (payment.addr) requires six (6) simple steps. Get the protocol parameters Determine the appropriate TTL (Time to live) Calculate the fee Build the transaction Sign the...
How to configure the logging options of your node
Logging configuration is performed in your config.json file. To learn more, please check Configuring Logging and Understanding your configuration files and how to use them
Understanding the configuration files
Your node needs three configuration files topology.json: Contains the list of of nodes that your node will connect to. genesis.json: Contains the blockchain parameters. config.json: Allows you to...
Starting the node and connecting to testnet
Getting configuration files: The node requires 3 configuration files: topology,json genesis.json config.json You can download them here. Or from the command line with: wget https://hydra.iohk....
Installing Daedalus Shelley Testnet in Linux
Installation instructions These steps assume you are comfortable running scripts in a Linux terminal and are logged into a graphical desktop session as a user other than root. Download the ins...
Transactions errors: BadInputsUTxO
Problem: BadInputsUTxO $ cardano-cli shelley transaction submit \--tx-file tx001.signed \--testnet-magic 42> ApplyTxError [LedgerFailure (UtxowFailure (UtxoFailure (BadInputsUTxO (fromList [TxIn ...
Transaction errors: ExpiredUTxO
Problem: ExpiredUTxO $ cardano-cli shelley transaction submit \> --tx-file tx001.signed \> --testnet-magic 42ApplyTxError [LedgerFailure (UtxowFailure (UtxoFailure (ExpiredUTxO {pfUTXOttl = SlotNo ...
Transaction errors: ValueNotConservedUTxO
Problem: ValueNotConservedUTxO $ cardano-cli shelley transaction submit \> --tx-file tx001.signed \> --testnet-magic 42ApplyTxError [LedgerFailure (UtxowFailure (UtxoFailure (FeeTooSmallUTxO (Coin ...
Transaction errors: Failed reading. Your input is either malformed or not hex encoded
Problem: Failed reading: Your input is either malformed or not hex encoded: $ cardano-cli shelley transaction build-raw \--tx-in f5296e996940b1c81f781594293d423b4250a454f5832b0740a923f74460d34#1 \...
cabal update fails
Problem: After installing cabal, running $ cabal update shows an error message Command 'cabal' not found, but can be installed with:sudo apt install cabal-install Solution: Add ~/.local/bin and...