The cardano-submit-api is a program that provides a web API allowing transactions (generated by external wallet or SDK ) to be posted to the Cardano blockchain. It is designed for exchanges and wallets who manage their own UTXO distribution with full control of transaction generation and signing. To submit a transaction to the network (mainnet, staging, or any of the testnets), cardano-node must be running and have access to the genesis file and genesis hash value for the network.
To build and run the cardano-submit-api see the documentation
After setting up a locally running cardano-node, follow these instructions to build and run the web API using Nix.
In a new terminal or emulator, change to the Cardano explorer root directory:
Build submit api where <network> can be staging | testnet | mainnet :
nix-build -A scripts.<network>.submit-api -o submit-api-tx
Export path:
export PATH="${HOME}/cardano-node/state-node-mainnet/node.socket:${PATH}"
Run the submit-api
./submit-api-tx \
--config /submit-api/config/ \
--genesis-file ../cardano-node/configuration/mainnet-genesis.json /
--port 8101/