cardano-node overview
cardano-node is the top level for the node and aggregates the other components from other packages: consensus, ledger, and networking, with configuration, CLI, logging, and monitoring.
The node no longer incorporates wallet or explorer functionality. The wallet backend and explorer backend are separate components that run in separate external processes that communicate with the node via local IPC.
cardano-node design is the first to take advantage of IOHK'ss work on formal methods. While the old node was monolithic – with components like the wallet backend and explorer built in – the new version is modular. This makes future integrations easier and allows the node to be more readily incorporated into other systems, such as those used by exchanges. In the new architecture, the node, wallet, and explorer exist as separate components (a new wallet backend will soon be released).
Network Configuration, Genesis, and Topology Files
Starting the node using the cardano-cli and connecting it to the network requires 3 configuration files:
You can download the configuration files from Cardano World environments page.
How to build
cardano-node can be built from source or using Nix
cardano-node is shipped with its own command-line interface and is made available when:
or alternatively, a prebuilt binary for the OS version can be downloaded from the release page:
cardano-node CLI can be used:
The full list of cardano-cli operations can be found