Project Catalyst FAQ
Project Catalyst | Fund12 | Fund13 |
Registration Availability*1 | April 26th, 2024 14:30 UTC | October 7th 2024 ~ |
Registration ends (snapshot)*2 | June 18th 2024 21:45 UTC |
November 20th 2024 21:45 UTC |
Voting begins *3 | June 27th, 2024 12:00 UTC |
November 28th 2024 12:00 UTC |
Voting ends | July 11th, 11:00 UTC | December 12th 2024 11:00 UTC |
Rewards distributed*4 |
Distributed in August 28th 2024 |
TBA (Around in January) |
*1 All users need to complete a New Registration in Fund 10 to earn voting rewards. (You can still vote with an existing registration, however, WILL NOT receive any rewards)
*2 New snapshots are taken in each fund - Please be sure to have at least 25 ADA in your wallet by the snapshot deadline.
*3 Regardless of your wallet, each registration will provide you with a unique QR and PIN code. These must absolutely be saved. No QR code saved, no vote! No PIN code saved, no vote!
*4 Reward distribution: As of Fund10 Rewards are no longer instantaneous. When rewards are paid, you will see a standard transaction (utxo) in your wallet history.
Only for Fund9 and earlier funds - when rewards were paid, you did not see a transaction in your wallet's transaction history. Rather, rewards were sent to your rewards account, not to a payment (receiving) address, so your rewards balance increased. For more information, please see How to check Instantaneous Rewards earned from Project Catalyst - Fund9 and earlier
Wallets with 25 ADA-excluding rewards are eligible to vote.
For CLI-generated-wallets the stake key needs to be registered.
About Project Catalyst
1. What is the goal of Project Catalyst?
Create, fund and deliver the future of Cardano. Project Catalyst is an experiment in community innovation, providing a framework to turn ideas into impactful real world projects. Visit to learn more.
2. Where can I read more about Catalyst?
Join us in ideascale, TG announcements channel and TG catalyst chat
3. Can I submit my own proposal, how do I do that?
Proposals are welcome, you can submit yours through ideascale.
4. Where to report issues/bugs?
If you registered via:
- Daedalus - Support request
- Yoroi -
- AdaLite -
- Typhon Wallet -
- Eternl-
5. Which wallet application should I use to register?
Daedalus Mainnet 5.3.0, Yoroi, AdaLite, Typhon Wallet, Eternl
6. Do I have to lock my ADA when registering to vote?
No, but you need to make sure your funds are there at snapshot time.
7. Which applications are currently supported?
For the full list of supported wallets, please check Supported Wallets list in Catalyst Knowledge Base.
*Please note: AdaLite, Typhon Wallet, and Eternl are third party wallets not developed or supported by IOHK. It is important to do your own research when using these wallets.
8. What are the supported operating systems for the Catalyst Voting application?
Android and iOS (iPhone 8 and above)
9. What is the minimum balance requirement to participate?
500 ADA excluding rewards. All registrations incur transaction fees.
10. I got a new phone, how do I transfer my registration to it?
Download the application, scan the QR code, decrypt with the pin.
11. When will you support Daedalus with hardware wallets for Catalyst?
Daedalus + hardware wallets are supported. Please be sure to have the latest firmware installed on your hardware wallet device.
12. After scanning the QR code, I enter my PIN but I get a message that the PIN does not match?
That means that either your QR code is incorrect or your PIN is incorrect. Make sure you are using the correct PIN/QR code for the correct Fund.
13. My voting power is not matching the balance of my wallet, why?
- The balance on your wallet includes rewards, voting power only considers balance in UTxOs.
- You moved your balance to a different wallet before the snapshot.
- If you add funds to your wallet after the snapshot that transaction is not considered.
14. In the Catalyst Voting app - why do some of the proposals have a blue border on the right side and others do not?
Projects with the blue border are projects that you have already visited.
15. I registered for voting, but I lost/did not save my QR/PIN - how do I get new ones?
You have to repeat the registration process if you are still in the registration window. This will incur in new transaction fees.
16. How do I register multiple wallets?
- Have separate wallets.
- Get QR code for each (save all the PDF’s and PIN codes).
- Install Catalyst application.
- Vote with wallet 1.
- Tap "Logout" button
- Connect the new wallet
- Vote with wallet 2 and so on.
17. I do not have a Google account, can I install the Catalyst Voting app from .apk?
It is recommended you download the Catalyst Voting application from the Google Play store, however, for those who do not have a Google account, you can install the Catalyst voting app from the links below:
*PLEASE NOTE* If you are installing the application from .apk then you will have to rescan your QR code every Fund.
18. When will voting power be displayed on Catalyst Voting application?
Voting power comes from the balance snapshot and is displayed once the voting period starts.
If you are seeing an incorrect voting power please proceed following steps.
- Click the log-out button (In terms of the scanned QR code, this is equivalent to reinstalling the Catalyst Voting app)
- Scan the QR code again
- Decrypt it with the PIN
- Voting starts on means that you will see the correct voting power amount.
19. How can I verify my vote?
When you submit your votes from the Catalyst Voting application you get a confirmation message. You cannot verify your votes later.
20. How are rewards calculated for voting?
Rewards calculation
21. Do I receive Voting rewards if I register, but I do not vote?
No, the voter rewards are intended for rewarding active voters only. No votes, no voter rewards.
22. How are rewards for Proposal Assessor calculated?
Proposal Assessor rewards
24. How can I check my rewards earned?
As of Fund10 Rewards are no longer instantaneous. When rewards are paid, you will see a standard transaction (utxo) in your wallet history.
Only for Fund9 and earlier funds - when rewards were paid, you did not see a transaction in your wallet's transaction history. Rather, rewards were sent to your rewards account, not to a payment (receiving) address, so your rewards balance increased. For more information, please see How to check rewards earned from Project Catalyst For more information, please see How to check rewards earned from Project Catalyst
Known Issues / Troubleshooting
Please note that iPhone 7 and before are not supported.
Issue |
Description |
Solution |
White screen after update |
White screen is displayed after application update |
Uninstall and install again |
Black screen instead camera view while scanning QR |
Black screen instead camera view while scanning QR code, but scanning works properly *Xiaomi users only |
Switch mobile dark mode to light mode |
White screen when trying to scan QR code |
White screen is displayed when trying to scan QR code. |
Close and reopen the app |
"No Connection" error when navigating on the App |
The "No Connection" error message should be shown only when the API is "down" or the user has no network access. |
Close and reopen the app |
Pin for voting registration accepts some non-numeric characters |
Hyphen "-" comma "," period "." can all be used instead of a numeric value. |
Use only numbers to enter PIN |
Android app's native back button doesn't invoke on-screen back function |
Native back button returns to Scan voting QR code activity, which was previously cancelled. |
Use the app back button. |
Notifications - Missing Catalyst icon on notification |
Missing Catalyst Icon on notification (just a grey box is visible) |
N/A |