Anti-virus software is blocking installation of Daedalus
The anti-virus software on your machine identified Daedalus as unsafe for some reason and blocks installation of the software.
This is different from Anti virus software is blocking download of Daedalus
- Make sure you are downloading the software from our official downloads:
- Mainnet and Flight versions,
- Testnet version.
- Please submit a support request with the name of your anti-virus software to let us know about this issue, we will contact the anti-virus software maker and ask them to include Daedalus on their list of safe software.
- Check that the software you downloaded and are trying to install is genuine by verifying it. There are two ways to verify our software one is using the Signature and the other is using the CheckSum. Both of these methods are described in detail on the download sites right where you download the software.
- If you have validated that our software is genuine then you may want to create an exception for Daedalus in your anti-virus software application. You should be able to create the exception for the error that the anti-virus software reports. We cannot support you doing that though.